La mia storia


9th at the Valencia Marathon

After two years from the last marathon, Valeria finished Valencia in 2h 30m e 26s in 9th place.

Second place at We Run Rome

Valeria finished in 2nd place the We Run Rome 10km competition.

She is happy for her chrono and this was a good performance test for her next competitions.

Valeria 11th in New Delhi

Valeria finish New Delhi race in 11th position with 1h13:55.

New Delhi Half Marathon

International competition for Valeria. On Unday the 20th of November will be in New Delhi, in India, for the Airtel Delhi Half Marathon (women start at 6:50 am in India). This is her 3rd season race on half marathon.

Valeria 13th at Olympic Marathon in Rio

Valeria finished in 13th place the Olympic marathon in Rio de Janeiro.

An extract of her interview after the race:

“I gave everything and I'm really happy for this reusult. It was a difficult training because of several injuries that conditioned my preparation. I hoped to run under 2h:30m and so this is a good starting point for my next marathon”.

Valeria wins the Wurzburg Marathon

Valeria wins the Wurzburg Marathon and gains the IAAF pass for Olympic games.

Photo credits: Patrick Wötzel

Verona Half Marathon

First race of the season for Valeria after 1 month training in Kenya. The race will start at 10:00 in the morning and you can follow live on official website

2nd place at European Cup 10.000

Very good second individual place and bronze by team in the 10.000m Europe Cup in Chia (Sardinia - Italy).

Valeria is very happy of this result and had really good sensations during the race.

She will train in Sestriere and in St. Moritz during the summer to reach the best possible shape for the Beijing World Marathon in August.


Europe Cup 10.000 m

Valeria will race the 10.000m Europe Cup scheduled on June 6th in Chia (Cagliari).

Ten athletes in the italian team (5 men and 5 women). Below the list of women team in alphabetical order.


Federica DAL RI (C.S. Esercito)
Anna INCERTI (G.S. Fiamme Azzurre)
Claudia PINNA (C.U.S. Cagliari)
Valeria ROFFINO (G.S. Fiamme Azzurre)
Valeria STRANEO (Runner Team 99 Sbv)

Chia Laguna Half Marathon

Valeria will run the 4th editino of the Chia Laguna Half Marathon on sunday 3/5/2015.

The race will start at 9,30 and some of the best italian athletes will join the competition.

10 Km Dublin

Tomorrow, Saturday 11th April, Valeria Straneo will run the SPAR Great Ireland Run in Dublin (start at 2:00 pm in Italy).

Her words before flying to Ireland:  "I'm recovering, I'm still a bit far from top condition but the tendon hassle fortunately is improving. This race in Dublin will be mainly a test to return to competition: it's from New York that I do not put a bib! "

Modena Run 4 Rare

On March 1st, Valeria will attend the Modena Run 4 Rare, non-competitive running event for the world day about rare diseases research.


Valeria will be guest together with the women marathon team of Zurich Europen Championship in "L'arena" Tv Show, on Sunday January 4th 2015 on Rai 1 channel at 14:00

+Watt event

Tuesday November 18th, from 8:30 pm in the Center "A. Luciani" in Padova street Via Forcellini, 170/A – there will take place the seminar "Endurance nutrition: before, during and after"

8th place in New York

Below Valeria words after the race:

"Prima di tutto, un sentito grazie a tutti per i tantissimi e bellissimi messaggi ricevuti (fin troppo "di parte" ...!)
La gara di oggi è stata durissima, non solo per il vento gelido che a tratti, portava via.
Al trentesimo km mi si è proprio spenta la luce, arrivare in fondo è stato durissimo e sono comunque contenta di me stessa per essere riuscita a non mollare in quegli ultimi 12 e interminabili km, forse i più duri di tutte le maratone che ho corso finora. Ho dato tutto quello che potevo in quel momento.
Il risultato di oggi non può certo soddisfarmi, anche se io e la mia allenatrice Beatrice Brossa sapevamo che dopo un europeo così intenso non sarebbe stato per nulla facile ben figurare in una maratona così impegnativa come NY. Correre qui è qualcosa di grandioso e nonostante tutto adoro questa gara e le migliaia di persone che la rendono speciale."

To the NYC marathon start line

Valeria left the hotel at 6:30 to reach the NYC Marathon start line.

Women race will start at 9:10 (New York time).

Run with champions NYC

Today 30/10/2014, Valeria join the "Run With Champions" kids event in Central Park.

1000 NYC school kids participate in races and other fitness activities.


Valeria arrive in New York

On Monday November 27th, Valeria arrived in New York City ready to compete with some of the strongest atlhetes in the world on Sunday in the NYC marathon.

Valeria win 10km Paris Center

Valeria wins the 10km Paris Centre competition in 32:36. 2nd place for Daunay and 3rd for Jessica Augusto.


Book presentation in Alessandria

Octobre 1st there will be the presentation of the book "Valeria fa 'gli' Olimpiadi" at 6:00 pm in the Borsalino Center in street Massobrio n°38 in Alessandria.

Don't miss it.

New book presentation: "Valeria fa 'gli' Olimpiadi"

On September 13th there will be the presentation of the book "Valeria fa 'gli' Olimpiadi" written by Marco Tarozzi.

The event will take place in library Coop Ambasciatori in Bologna during the race "Run Tune Up".

Don't miss this!

Individual Silver Medal and Gold Team Medal

Valeria takes a second place after a really hard race. Italy win also the gold medal in the marathon by team.

This is really a great result for her! Her words after the finish line:

"Questo è un argento che vale tanto, non si deve mai dare nulla per scontato. Il percorso era davvero tosto, le salite si sentivano e ora ce l'ho tutte sulle gambe. Non ho da rammaricarmi di nulla sulla mia condotta di gara. L'ho vissuta come piace a me: sempre nelle posizioni di testa, anche se nella seconda salita forse non avrei dovuto assecondare troppo la croata quando l'ha messa giù pesante. Sapevo che la Daunay era l'avversaria più temibile, mi aveva già battuta a New York e ai Mondiali di mezza maratona a Copenaghen. E' una che non molla mai. Io sapevo che l'oro era lì ad un passo, ma verso il 39esimo chilometro è arrivato un crampetto al polpaccio a darmi fastidio, sentivo delle stecche pazzesche. Il crono non l'ho nemmeno guardato, poi mi sono accorta che è identico (2h25:27, ndr) a quello delle Olimpiadi di Londra dove sono arrivata ottava. E' il mio secondo tempo di sempre, non l'avrei mai detto su un percorso del genere dove è venuto fuori anche il record dei Campionati (2h25:14 della Daunay, ndr). L'oro a squadre non è una sorpresa, siamo fortissime! Adesso ho bisogno di una bella vacanza, parto dopodomani per la Sardegna con mio marito Manlio e i miei figli Arianna e Leonardo. Oggi erano tutti a vedermi e lungo il percorso sono riuscita anche a dargli il cinque. Un'altra maratona? Intanto devo smaltire questa, poi mi piacerebbe tornare a New York. L'anno prossimo non penso di correre i Mondiali di Pechino, vorrei prendermi una stagione di respiro".

Arrived in Zurich

Today August 13th, Valeria is arrived in Zurich ready to race the European marathon on Saturday at 9.00 a.m.

After one month of training in St. Moritz, Valeria spent the last two weeks in Alessandria (where she lives) to finalize the preparation for the race.

Valeria win the Cortina-Dobbiaco

June 1st Valeria won the Cortina-Dobbiaco Run fiftheen edition in 1h50:09 .

Near 5000 athletes at starting line of the 30 km traditional track.


Conference in Lanciano (Chieti)

On May 10th - 11th, Valeria attend the conference "Correre, un gesto naturale che ti porta a vincere!" in Lanciano.

Some photos of the event.

Valeria 8th place in World Championship in Copenhagen

Valeria is 8th in the Half Marathon World Championship in Copenhagen. She is very happy for the result and the time and she is confident for future competitions.

Half Marathon World Championship in Copenaghen

29th March, Valeria will race in the Half Marathon World Championship in Copenaghen (Denmark).

Women Italian team: Valeria Straneo, Nadia Ejjafini, Anna Incerti, Veronica Inglese e Fata Maraoui. 

Video Interview in

Video interview shooted in "Poggio All'Agnello" (Baratti - Tuscany) during federal training in February made by

Lisbona Half Marathon 6th place

Valeria Straneo takes the 6th place in the XXIV Lisboa Half Marathon (IAAF Gold Label Road Race). With 1h09:47 is the first european in the finish line.

Lisbona half marathon

On March 16th 2014, Valeria will race the international Lisbon Half Marathon.

This is the first 2014 race abroad for Valeria just returned from a three weeks federal training camp in "Poggio all' agnello" in Tuscany.

Valeria Straneo support

Valeria Straneo support "Sorrisi di madri africane" of CCM. You can also support signing in Milano

City Marathon through CCM!

Thank you,


Italian Half Marathon Championship 2014

In a tough race, Valeria win the Verona Half Marathon (valid for the Italian Half Marathon Championship) in 1:09:45

Running Stage 28 February - 2 March

From 28th February to 2nd March a running stage with Valeria Straneo (Italian marathon record and Siver medal at Moscow World Championship), Beatrice Brossa (Valeria Straneo's trainer) and Pierluigi Fiorella (Specialist in sports medicine and cardiology expert in physiology, metabolism and nutrition endurance sports​).


View this link to see some photos of this beautiful accomodation.

For information please contact ( Mrs. Lucia Bisogni) Tel. +39.0565.29618 or +39.0565.297300

form h. 9.00 to h 17.00 every day from Monday to Sunday

Click on the image to open PDF file.

Valeria win in 1:12:14 the International half marathon "Due Perle". This is the first test of the year and was a perfect match for the upcoming next competitions: the italian half marathon championship in Verona on February 16th 2014 and the world half marathon championship in Copenaghen the March 29th 2014.

Athlete of the year 2013 in Piemonte

On Friday January 24th 2014, Valeria Straneo received "Athlete of the year 2013 in Piemonte" achievement from Fidal. For more information read the complete Fidal article

We Run Rome 2013

Valeria reached the 3rd place in the We Run Rome race (10 km in Rome), December 31st 2013.

Tirunesh Dibaba won in 32:00 and Chepcoick Josephine came 2nd in 32:29.

Running Stage 24/26 January

From 24th to 26th January a running stage with Valeria Straneo (Italian marathon record and Siver medal at Moscow World Championship), Beatrice Brossa (Valeria Straneo's trainer) and Pierluigi Fiorella (Specialist in sports medicine and cardiology expert in physiology, metabolism and nutrition endurance sports​).


For information please contact ( Mrs. Lucia Bisogni) Tel. +39.0565.29618 or +39.0565.297300

form h. 9.00 to h 17.00 every day from Monday to Sunday

Click on the image to open PDF file.

Interview Valeria Straneo - Emma Quaglia

This interview (in italian) was shot in St Moritz (Switzerland) at the end of federal training camp before World Championship Moscow 2013





Valeria Atleta dell'anno Fidal

Valeria Straneo achieved "Atleti dell'Anno" from Fidal. For more information read the complete Fidal article

TV - Dribbling

Saturday November 23th 2013 at 1:25 pm on the tv show Dribbling on Rai Due, there will be a special about Valeria.

Enjoy it.

Da Baldini a Straneo

On NOVEMBER 16th, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. will be held the conference "Da Baldini a Straneo - LA SCUOLA ITALIANA DI MARATONA: TRADIZIONE E INNOVAZIONE". (at "Palazzo della Regione" in Piazza Castello 165 (Torino))
Speakers: Prof. Luciano Gigliotti and  Prof. Beatrice Brossa

With the partecipation of Valeria Straneo and Stefano Baldini.

For more information go here

TV - Quelli che il calcio

On Sunday 10/11/2013 at 2:00 pm Valeria will be on TV show  "Quelli che il calcio" live on Rai 2.


TV - Il Grande Cocomero

On Thursday November 7th 2013 at 11:35 pm Valeria will be on TV show "Il grande cocomero (che in realtà è una zucca)" presented by Linus on Rai 2. 

TV - Pomeriggio da campioni

Wednsday Novermber 6th 2013 at 18:15  Valeria will be on TV show "Pomeriggio da campioni"  on raisport 1.


I'm satisfied about my 5th place in the most famous marathon in the world!

The race was really weird, affected by a strong and cold wind. I decided not to run in the front and to stay in the group, because of the wind and of the difficulty of the course. The first splits were really slow, first 5 km in 19'03"!

I ran the first half in 1h16'01" and the second one in 1h12'21" even if I was suffering from 26 km. I really did my best and I never gave up, so I'm happy ran NYCM!

Now I'll rest for few weeks and then  I'll be ready to start a new running 2014.

Photos from New York

After last trainings Valeria is ready to start. Below, you can find a small photografic/video reportage of the last days.

Last training before race minivideo

Ready to go

Near Central Park

In Central Park under the USA flag

In Central Park under the USA flag 2

In Central Park near the Finish line

Vale with her coach Beatrice Brossa

From left: Daniele Meucci, Marcello Magnani, Valeria Straneo, Massimo Magnani

Valeria With Gianni Poli

Press conference

Press Conference



New York Marathon

Valeria is in New York again! After a year from the disastrous hurricane Sandy and the marathon cancellation, on Sunday 3rd 2013 Valeria will run the marathon in the Big Apple..

New website online

Finally the new "" website is online. Soon there will be new photos and contents.

Stay tuned!